National Federation of the Disabled - Nepal Vacancy

Vacancy 19 Nov 2019 4041

National Federation of the Disabled - Nepal Vacancy

Employee Requirements for National Federation of the Disabled- Nepal

National Federation of the Disabled- Nepal has been an active umbrella organization for the rights of persons with disabilities for the last 26 years.

1. Project Coordinator-1 for Federal Office,

2. Program Officer-1 for Gandaki Province Office

3. Program Officer-1 for Province No. 4 Office

Due to the requirement of staff in the post of Project Coordinator-1 for Federal Office, Program Officer-1 for Gandaki Province Office and Program Officer-1 for State Office of Province No-4, qualified candidate’s email at within 12 days of publication of this notice.

Applications are requested to be sent to along with the application form and the latest detailed personal details (CV).

All concerned are requested to visit the Federation's web site for a detailed description and to apply only by studying this detailed description. Any applications that are not eligible will not be included in the competition.

National Federation of the Disabled- Nepal
