Neeti Anusandhan Pratishthan Vacancy

Vacancy 28 Feb 2019 2945

Neeti Anusandhan Pratishthan Vacancy.JP

Neeti Anusandhan Pratishthan published job vacancy notice for the post of Managerial Officer. Interested candidates may apply within 21-day from this vacancy published.

Advertise No.: 01/2075-076

Position: Officer Manager (Karyalaya Prabandhak) - 1

Service Duration: 2 Years (can be extended according to requirement)

Selection Process: Short-listing and Interview

Where to send application: Neeti Anusandhan Pratishthan, Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Minimum Qualification and Experience: Minimum Master Degree in any one subject (Economic, Engineering, Management, Commerce, History, Culture, Geography, Law or International Relation) and minimum 10 years of experience on the related field.
