Patanjali Ayurved Medical College & Research Centre, Dhulikhel, Nepal Vacancy Announcement for the following positions.
1. Principal cum Medical Superintendent:
- MD / MS (Ayurveda) with a minimum of 10 years of experience.
2. Prof., Assoc. Prof. & Asst. Prof. (Req. 1 in each subject):
- Samhita, Rachana Sharir, Kriya Sharir, RSBK, Dravyaguna, Rog Nidan, Agad Tantra, Swasthavritta, Shalya, Shalakya, Kaumarabhritya, PTSR, Panchkarma, and Kayachikitsa (2 posts).
3. Medical Staffs:
- BAMS (06)
- AHA (04)
- AAHW (06)
- B.Sc. Nursing (01)
- PCL Nursing (04)
- ANM (14)
- MLT (01)
- BMLT (03)
- CMLT (03)
- BPT (02)
- Radiographer (02)
- Panchakarma therapist (04)
4. Non-medical Staffs
- Admin officer (1)
- Junior Asst (2)
- Junior Medical Record Assistant (1)
- Accountant (2)
- Computer Assistant (2)
- Office Assistant (4)
- Cook (2)
- Driver (3)
- Sweeper (2)
- Washer man (2)
- Plumber (1)
Interested candidates can send resume on email: / before 08-06-2024.
For further assistance contact on +977-9707571168 / 9841269951 & +91-9448646855 (Whatsapp).
Health Job Job Vacancy Hospital Job Vacancy Kavre