Government of Nepal, Teachers Service Commission - TSC (Shikshak Sewa Aayog) Revised Notification for Open and Inclusive Competitive Examination for Lower Secondary Level Teacher Post
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Nepal has published a revised notification for the open and inclusive competitive examination for the post of lower secondary level, third category, teacher - 2059.
The advertisement was originally published on 27th Magh 2079, and due to certain reasons, the Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) has further reduced the number of positions for some subjects.
As a result, there have been changes in the previously advertised positions for some subjects, and the remaining positions have been allocated to other provinces and subjects accordingly.
This notice is important for all concerned parties, and they are advised to keep themselves updated with the latest information regarding the open and inclusive competitive examination for the post of lower secondary level, third category, teacher - 2059.
Key Points:
- Revised notification for open and inclusive competitive examination for lower secondary level teacher posts in Nepal.
- The first advertisement was published on 27th Magh 2079 by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
- The Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) has further reduced the number of positions for some subjects.
- Changes in the previously advertised positions have been made for some subjects, and the remaining positions have been allocated to other provinces and subjects accordingly.
- This notice is important for all concerned parties to stay updated with the latest information regarding the examination.